Every so often, I plan to feature some of my projects here.
I work for a variety of clients, as a writer and an editor, and I’m an Amazon author as well.
I recently published an e-book on Amazon that was based on a series of articles I’d written as the Boise Healthy Living Examiner. (RIP, Examiner.com. I’ll pour one out for ya.) The title is the Sick Family Survival Guide: Helping your family stay healthy during cold and flu season.

I realized that I owned the copyright to all my Examiner content, which I cultivated over the course of five years. I wrote stand-alone articles, and I also wrote several series, creating a substantial body of work. So, why wasn’t I using it to my advantage?
This is a compilation of helpful information that looks at how seasonal illness can affect your family. Let’s face it. We all get sick some time. And if you’ve got kids, and/or you work with the public, you know how the crud can keep cycling through the house until everyone’s had it at least once.
One chapter is dedicated to helping you tell the difference between a cold, the flu, or allergies. Another gives you the skinny on hand washing. Yet another chapter gives you an easy shopping list to help you stay prepared, as well as my killer chicken soup recipe. You’ll also learn how to ward off germs, all about flu shots, and whether or not you can still work out when you’re sick.
It’s available for $3.99 and is a quick, and, I hope, informative read.
What projects are you working on?