Happy Monday! There are tons of little tasks on my agenda this week. I’ve got a few newspaper assignments open and am hoping to wrap them up by the middle of next week. Plus, I’m trying to take care of several things that are in the ‘nearly complete’ stage, so I can start the next month with a clean slate. Or at least that’s the goal.
oday’s cold brew coffee is something I concocted one day when I was feeling hangry. See, I’ve got a killer sweet tooth. But I like to eat low carb because I know all that sugar isn’t good for me. So, I try to give my coffee the taste of my favorite desserts. Like Coconut Cream Pie.I’m a sucker for all things coconut. And pie. So, it was a natural fit.
To make this, I simply combined coconut and Irish cream syrups. It used to be that I only bought Torani, but that’s because I lived in a small town and there wasn’t much selection, even when I ventured into more populated areas. What I call Cost Plus (and what everyone else calls World Market) has the best selection, but they’re a little pricey. And to be honest, the Torani sugar free coconut tastes a little weird to me.
When I moved back to California, my sister took my daughter and me to Home Goods. Now, I can’t stand the chaotic jumble of their rummage sale-esque shelves, but if you just step into the first part of the store, you’ll find all their food and beverage items. That’s where I found these Skinny Syrups. That section takes up the front corner, and I can turn my back on the mess spilling out of the rest of the store, pick out what I want, get in line, pay, and get out of there before you can say “OCD tension headache-inducing pile of random garbage.”
And, whadda ya know, the Skinny Syrups are about half the price of Torani. SCORE. And the sugar free coconut doesn’t have an odd taste. And they carry all sorts of brands. But since I’m looking for sugar free options, this is what I usually get.
The only problem is that the selection varies and there’s no guarantee you’ll find the same thing they had the last time you were in there. (Looking at you, sugar free Peanut Butter Cup syrup.) But, I like to live dangerously.
This drink tastes like a treat. I especially love it in the afternoon, when I’m nearing the end of my writing day and looking for a little break to push me through the finish line. Plus, it’s sugar free, and the only calories and carbs come from the amount of heavy cream I add. So, next time you’re in the mood for a little coconut cream pie, you might want to try this.
How do you like your coffee?