Happy Friday! As always, that means it’s time for Affirmations.
Each week, I like to pause on Friday to reflect on the week behind and the week to come, and set my intentions accordingly.
My sleep has been better lately, in that although I still wake up in the night, I’m not stressing out about things as much as I had been. That’s progress, right?
There’s been a lot of noise, though. It feels like outside influences are trying to pull me away from my new path. Anything from old relationships to destructive behavior to time-wasting habits. Every day, I encounter one, or some combination, of the above, attempting to lure me back into a cruddy mindset and thwart my progress toward my goals.
I suppose that temptation will always be there. It’s up to me to block it out and not give it the attention it thinks it deserves.
I used to feel bad when those things would pull at me and infringe on my time. More often than not, I’d drop everything for them. I’d act out of guilt or empathy and put my own initiatives aside to indulge someone else or tend to a task I felt I had to do. And all that did was hurt me.
I can always re-prioritize tasks. Behaviors and habits I can modify. People are the bigger obstacle. But, it finally occurred to me that if you are that starved for attention that you need to pull me away from doing what’s best for me, that’s your problem and not mine. I’m not your therapist and I don’t need any more drama in my life.
So, this week, my affirmation is: I focus on my goals to achieve success. I ignore anything and anyone that pulls me away from what I want to accomplish.
My new path is sparsely populated. I won’t say it’s lonely because that implies sadness. It is, however, intentionally solitary. And quiet. And focused. And that’s fine by me.
Do you use affirmations?