I’m excited to share a Spotlight Project today. I recently took a freelance gig with a local newspaper.
My degree is in journalism, but with a magazine concentration. Ironically, my first paid gig was a 2-part feature for a newspaper, assigned by my high school journalism teacher, who was that paper’s editor. I found out when I applied for this gig that my editor also graduated from my high school, and was a student of the same teacher.
Funny how things come full circle.
At any rate, I was thrilled to write this piece for our local newspaper. It focuses on a family-run restaurant that has seen its share of ups and downs and has continued to persevere. That’s the kind of story I love to tell. And, there’s a little sidebar, too. focusing on two longtime servers.
For a long time, I was hesitant to explore anything other than magazine writing.
Why would I write anything else? That’s what I learned. That’s what I know. That’s what I do.
And, that’s limiting. And silly. And not getting me anywhere.
Although I’ve only had this gig a short time, I’ve been pleased with my assignments for the newspaper, a steady stream of features. I’m a storyteller, and although I can write hard news, it’s not my preferred style. So, I reached out to this newspaper on a (somewhat calculated) whim, and it was a good fit from the start. Just a matter of thinking outside the box. And a good lesson in the stupidity of self-imposed limits.
What are you working on?